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Working together to improve the Facilities Directorate

It’s been a busy start to 2024 for the Facilities Directorate’s Staff Voice group.

The team of volunteers from across the service have been meeting since last year to discuss ideas, questions and concerns raised by their colleagues.

From stocking up new cutlery in the FD Building, to opening a dialogue with senior leaders about the issues colleagues care about, the team are making an impact on the service. Read more below.

Raising issues that matter to colleagues with senior leaders

Representatives from Staff Voice presented to the FD’s senior management team (FDSMT) in May to showcase what’s been achieved so far and what further support would be needed.

Feedback from FDSMT has been positive and work is ongoing to allow Staff Voice to action suggestions and ideas.

Updating Residential Services on progress

Following this, representatives also presented at the Residential Services away day to update on Staff Voice progress and to show how you can get involved. If you’re interested in Staff Voice presenting at your away day, please contact your Staff Voice representative.

Improving offices in the FD Building

You’ll now find cutlery and cleaning supplies have been restocked within several staff kitchens areas and a refresh of the showers in the FD building. We’ve also made sure decaf is supplied at all catered meetings. Have any other ideas? Let the team know.

Have your say

The physical and virtual Staff Voice suggestion boxes you’ll find across campus now have a process in place to manage the suggestions and ideas to ensure every suggestion is read and considered. The Staff Voice webpage will be updated with details on the process in due course.

The team are keen to make more FD staff aware of Staff Voice so you may have seen posters, flyers and pull up banners located across campus in FD staff rooms and areas. Why not add a suggestion to their virtual dropbox?

The Staff Voice team will be at this year’s Staff Festival – make sure you go and say hello!