Scott Fleming from Print & Mail holds a shovel at tree planting event

Print & Mail plant 600 trees at Woodland Trust’s largest estate

On Wednesday 22 January 2025 our Print & Mail team demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by taking part in a tree planting event at Smithills Estates in Bolton organised by supplier Premier Paper. Scott Fleming, Print Production Manager, helped to plant 600 trees on the Woodland Trust’s largest estate in the country 

These new trees will contribute to the estate’s carbon storage, biodiversity and the revitalisation of valuable habitats. The Woodland Trust’s wider work at the estate includes restoring ancient woodlands and protecting at risk species such as skylarks, owls and bats.   

Print & Mail actively choose suppliers who prioritise sustainability. They work closely with these suppliers to ensure the University’s print materials come from sustainable sources whenever possible, and they offset any that cannot. In 2024 the team offset 13,937kg carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  

Scott said, “It was a pleasure to take part in this event and to be able to see the difference we’d made at the end of the day. As a service, we actively help the University achieve its Climate Plan objectives and ensure we use suppliers who share these principles. We have achieved accreditations with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and are part of the World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced Paper programme to offset our emissions. 

We’re always keen to help our colleagues around the University use print in a sustainable manner, so please reach out to the team on if you have any questions about your next order.”