Health and Wellbeing Staff Mindfulness Session

Residential Services Annual Sustainability Report (2023-24)

Residential Services manages the residential accommodation portfolio for The University of Leeds, with circa 9,000 bed-spaces in both University and private partner sites. Residential Services also operates in support of the University’s sustainability commitments across four themes:

  • Embedding sustainability through collaboration
  • Building knowledge and capacity
  • Being a positive partner in society
  • Making the most of resources

Residential Services has now completed six years of its Blueprint Action Plan, which commenced in 2018/19. This annual sustainability report covers the progress made during September 2023 to August 2024. In addition, actions are also highlighted where they address United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Embedding sustainability through collaboration

Actions that have had a significant or positive impact include:

  • Blueprint: Residential Services was awarded with the top Blueprint Visionary Award back in 2022 and has continued to deliver on its Blueprint and Blueprint Plus actions thereafter, in collaboration with students, staff, key partners, supply chain providers, Estates Services, and Sustainability Services.
  • Yorkshire in Bloom 2023: The combined impact of the collaborative work between Estates Services, Residential Services, Sustainability Services, and all of our students and external partners resulted in the University of Leeds being awarded a Gold Award at the Yorkshire in Bloom Awards in Tadcaster in 2023, and also Category Winner for HE and FE institutions in the Yorkshire Region for the second year in a row.

Yorkshire in Bloom is proud to present University of Leeds 2023 Yorkshire Rose Universities, Colleges and Further Education Establishments Award of Gold and Category Winner

  • Green Tourism at Cloth Hall Court: The University’s membership of the Green Tourism scheme was further enhanced in 2024 when conference venue Cloth Hall Court was awarded a Green Meetings Gold Award. The Conference Office team was supported by Residential Services and Cloth Hall Court is the 11th University venue to receive this level of recognition from Green Tourism, in how sustainability is managed in catering, conferencing and residential venues at the University of Leeds.
  • Green Gown Awards 2023: Residential Services was shortlisted as a Finalist at the Green Gown Awards 2023, in the Student Engagement category. The submission included evidence of our collaborative work with our student volunteers; student sustainability architects; and the inclusive and welcoming outdoor environments that we help to create. Our submission received the following feedback from the judging panel:

“A wonderful suite of projects that create green spaces for students and involving many stakeholders. Lots of examples of best practice shared in local and national forums and media.”

3 Good health and well-being 10 Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities 13 Climate Action 15 Life on Land 17 Partnership for the goals

Building knowledge and capacity

Actions that have had a significant or positive impact include:

  • The Sustainable Living Guide: The Sustainable Living Guide was updated for 2023/24, and outlined how students could get involved with their local community through volunteering, and by supporting local independent businesses, events, and elections. It also encouraged staff to become a Positive Impact Partner, by getting involved with local charities and other volunteer activities in their area. The Sustainable Living Guide can be accessed here. 
  • Communications with students: The Residences Life Team continued to send out communications to students resident in University and private partner accommodation throughout the year, via email, the Residence Life website and their Instagram account (@uol_res_life). This included hosting both online events, and others that took place around the residential sites.
  • Student Sustainability Architects: Residential Services appointed two Student Sustainability Architects during 2023/24.
    • Emily Barker focussed on circular resource use and worked with the British Heart Foundation, Mitie Waste and Environmental Services, and the Residential Services Marketing and Communications Team on delivering communications to our students living in University and Private partner residences.
    • Madeleine Norris worked on producing habitat maps for both Charles Morris Hall and Lupton Residences; and delivered a biodiversity action plan for Charles Morris Hall on what could be found on site, plus recommendations for subsequent improvements.

Emily and Madeleine at the Student Sustainability research Conference 2024

4 Quality education Sustainable Cities and Communities

Being a positive partner in society

Actions that have had a significant or positive impact include:

  • British Heart Foundation (BHF): Students and staff in University Residences donated a total of 4,522 bags of items for resale and re-use, diverting the equivalent of 36.2 tonnes of waste away from landfill; and generating £ 67,830 of revenue from BHF shop sales in Leeds, to fellow students and local residents. The subsequent revenue supports coronary heart and circulatory disease research, some of which takes place in Leeds. In total, the Pack for Good campaign in Leeds received 14,497 bags during 2023/24 from universities, private partner sites, and collections from student areas equivalent to 116 tonnes. This generated an amazing £217,455 towards heart disease research in the UK.

BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION DONATIONS @ UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES Year Donations 2014/15 7.2 2015/16 9.2 2016/17 34.5 2017/18 39.3 2018/19 40 2019/20 24.9 2020/21 25.6 2021/22 36 2022/23 31.7 2023/24 36.2 2024/25 TOTAL 284.6

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust: Six Wild Work Days were undertaken by student and staff volunteers during the year, generating a total of 94 volunteer days of work with YWT (564 hours). The work took place on sites in or close to the River Aire catchment, at Kirkstall Valley, Brockadale, the Wild Ingleborough Project, Sherburn Willows, Rothwell Pastures, and Water Haigh Woodland Park. Students took part from eleven countries; Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Taiwan, United Kingdom and Vietnam. The work on the Wild Ingleborough Project resulted in the planting of 2,536 mixed native tree whips at the rear of the University’s Outdoor Centre at Selside on a cold day in December, so hopefully the legacy should benefit both wildlife and visitors to that site in years to come.

Volunteers at the Wild Ingleborough Project 2023

  • North Hill Well Wood Project: Activities continued at the Well Wood Project at the rear of North Hill Court with Unite Students and Groundwork Yorkshire, with student and staff volunteers working under the supervision of staff from Groundwork Yorkshire. Activities included the clearance of the previous summer’s growth; collection of the autumnal leaf cover from pathways and steps; the planting of extra trees and hedging whips to supplement the existing; and the introduction of two sandstone water features on site for use by birds and mammals. Evidence of the completed work was sent to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. We subsequently received a Wildlife Gardening Award and now sponsor the award, with a case study appearing on Yorkshire Wildlife Trust website.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Wildlife Gardening Award 2024

Responsible Consumption and Production 15 Life on Land

Making the most of resources

Actions that have had a significant or positive impact include:

  • Circular Economy and Waste Management: Mitie Waste and Environmental Services Ltd have continued to work in partnership with the University of Leeds for the waste & recycling contract on campus as a waste management broker with services provided by their supply chain partners. The contract covers all University residences located on campus; Central Village; Shared Housing; plus the recovery of electrical goods (WEEE), used lamps, and food waste from Devonshire Hall. AWM have subsequently been replaced by BIFFA on the contract during the year, providing collections of glass and dry mixed recycling, general waste, and the delivery of trade skips. In addition, Residential Services has also put the following initiatives in place:
    • Re-use: Bishops Beds continued to replace old beds and mattresses with new, in a planned replacement programme, changing 954 mattresses (c 22.5 tonnes) during the year. In addition, Over2hills also provided a reactive recovery service for old mattresses, and furniture, to offer to third sector charities for either Re-use, Restoration, or Recycling of component materials.
    • Repair: BinMasters provide an annual repair service for any damaged external waste & recycling bins used on residential sites. This work is carried out in the weeks before Intake Weekend, so that facilities are ready for use, once students arrive in September. The repair work extends the life cycle of the existing bins and reduces the need to purchase new bins as replacements.
    • Leasing Equipment: Forbes Professional continued to supply a number of leased washing machines at Storm Jameson Court, St Marks Residences, and Shared Housing properties. Leasing equipment maintains continuity of service, whilst repairs or replacement can be arranged more efficiently.
    • Single-Use Plastics Pledge: Gilchrist & Soames refillable Spa Therapy toiletries were used for conference activity in Charles Morris Hall over the summer for the first time during 2023/24 last year, thereby reducing the use of single use plastics on site. Gilchrist & Soames was accredited with a Silver by the global EcoVadis accreditation scheme in 2023, and also has additional ethical benefits of Leaping Bunny certification in recognition that it does not test it’s products on animals, plus that it only uses Responsible Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in its product range.

New BIFFA bins on campus 2024

  • Biodiversity and ecology: We have been working with Outco as our grounds maintenance contractor in how we manage our residential sites to support nature and encourage a broader diversity of species on our sites. Some of the examples of this work include:
    • The collection of fallen leaves and their placement on shrub beds at Lupton Residences, to help increase the number of invertebrates on site and so support the local European Hedgehog population in the Headingley Hill area.
    • The establishment of no-mow areas at Charles Morris Hall during the months of April – August, to help protect bee and pyramidal orchids on site, plus the planting of crab apple trees to support the activities of local ground burrowing tawny mining bees.

Tawny Mining Bee

  • Carbon Management Plan: Geothermal borehole trials were conducted at both Charles Morris Hall and Henry Price Residences during the year. In addition, a further 2,829 new LED lights were installed across the residential portfolio in 2023/24, effectively more than doubling those previously installed before the previous year, an increase from 9,570 to 19,585 LEDS installed in the two years prior to 2022.

Geothermal borehole trial at Henry Price Residences 2024

  • Clean Air Pledge: The fleet of Residential Services vehicles was reduced to five in the year, comprising four electric vehicles and one diesel Luton tail-lift, which is used for the movement of bulky furniture and electrical items around the residential portfolio. Electric vehicle mileage has steadily been increasing from 53% in 2018/19 to 81% of mileage covered during the year.

Electric vehicle at Devonshire Hall

  • Health and Wellbeing: Residence Life Team events continued for both online activities, and face-to-face events, as part of the social events calendar taking place in Residences. During the year, we held a Health and Wellbeing event in North Hill Well Wood for our staff in 2023.

Health and Wellbeing Staff Mindfulness Session

Further events included improving wildflower meadows for insects and birds; pond habitat for dragonflies; fen land habitat which we also have in Yorkshire, plus two sessions working alongside local volunteers on the Wyke Beck Project in East Leeds, clearing rushes in Halton, plus brambles and scrub at Fearnville Fields.

Good Health and Well-being United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production 13 Climate Action 15 Life on Land